Robert MacKenzie

Why do you like climbing?
That is a hard question… EVERYTHING! There are so many reason to like climbing. How it keeps your body and mind fit, how it challenges you, how it’s the ultimate form of movement expression, how it lets you escape any and all things going on in the world around you.
But… I love climbing for how it connects us all. “It’s more about the people than the climbing”. I can’t remember every climb I’ve done or every routes I’ve tried, but I remember the times I have spent with awesome people. I love that through climbing my family has grown internationally. Through climbing I’ve seen people start families, make best friends and join a community that welcomes any climber with open arms. All climbers are instantly best friends because we share such an awesome thing together.
… And I like being on high things!
Tell us about your connection with climbing?
I am and have always been all consumed by climbing. It’s my career and my idea of play. Climbing es vida!
How long have you been involved in climbing?
My dad roped me into this when I was 3. He made a harness of old car seatbelts and we headed out. After that I was hooked! It’s now been 25 years and I don’t intend on slowing down now.
Why do you like climbing?
That is a hard question… EVERYTHING! There are so many reason to like climbing. How it keeps your body and mind fit, how it challenges you, how it’s the ultimate form of movement expression, how it lets you escape any and all things going on in the world around you.
But… I love climbing for how it connects us all. “It’s more about the people than the climbing”. I can’t remember every climb I’ve done or every routes I’ve tried, but I remember the times I have spent with awesome people. I love that through climbing my family has grown internationally. Through climbing I’ve seen people start families, make best friends and join a community that welcomes any climber with open arms. All climbers are instantly best friends because we share such an awesome thing together.
… And I like being on high things!
What made you want to join the ClimbScotland team?
For the reasons I love climbing I want to share that with as many people as I can, and I love working with kids and seeing how awe-inspired they are by this wacky game. ClimbScotland was my opportunity to make a huge difference in how many young people can access climbing and improve the experiences they have.
What is your role?
I am the Regional Development Officer for the West Coast of Scotland. If you are between the Atlantic and Stirling, Dumfries and Orkney, and you want to get into climbing, get others into climbing or want to improve your climbing, I’m your man.
What do you like about working with the team?
The team is awesome. We have a huge generational range which gives us a wealth of experience to tap in to, and all the youth and excitable enthusiasm that we need to do as much awesome stuff as we do. Everyone in ClimbScotland loves climbing and wants to make a genuine difference in its future.
What is your main ambitions with your role?
I want to get as many young people into climbing as I possibly can. I want to give them opportunities to see everything that climbing has to offer and give them the chance to decide what kind of climbers they want to be. From there I can help them become safe and skilled at what they do to allow them to follow their ambitions successfully into their adult life.
In Scotland we are completely spoilt. We can climb indoors and outdoors, boulder, sport climb, trad climb, multipitch climb, mountaineer, all on a huge range of rock types in some of the worlds most beautiful scenery. I want to show everyone that so they can do it with me!